SLU-PP-332 "Supplement"

Curious if anyone has tried this, apparently insane for endurance and fat burning, simulates exercise and metabolic stress. It is “exercise in a pill”, big new bodybuilder trend for shredding. Its oral as well.

I have just heard about this on a podcast. I’m always weary about anything that “accelerates” fat loss as it can be a pretty potent signal to the body that one is under chronic stress. The guy did speak highly of it though

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I just got some, I will report back

any updates on SLUP?

ITs insane, best fat burner there is, nothing close. It also gives you the ability to produce way more force in the gym. My only worry is ripping my muscles off my tendons or tendons off my bone. It makes you ferociously hungry but you can consume way more carbs because its the ultimate glucose disposal agent as well. It basically rips all nutrients and glucose out of your blood stream and shuttles it directly into your muscles and mitochondria. Miracle drug… you just have to drink way more electrolytes and more food in general while taking it. I use it as a pre-workout but many just use it as passive fat burning, taking it like 3 times a day 6 hours apart, it doesn’t effect sleep which is also crazy.

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Hunter Williams has some good videos on it. I see a bunch of places selling it now too. Swisschems and excelpeptides have it now too. I used regenoshred but they got shut down.

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glad its working for you, yea ive watched all his vids on it