Help with feeling anxious

I got burnt as infant and it has caused me to have an anxiety disorder most of my life. Looking for products that would help with this and keep me calm and confident. I have worked on my testosterone for this and the positive benefits I get from a higher Testosterone. Looking for products to help calm my mind and keep me positive and confident! Thanks

Give Agmatine Sulfate a shot. 500mg starting off. In the morning. One more at dinner.

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Yes agmatine could be wonderful given its potent GABA-ergic affects. Consider other compounds that work on raising GABA or lowering/inhibiting the stress hormones like Glutamate and cortisol. People have also shown that simply blocking cortisol alone has been therapeutic for those with PTSD. An old study used higher doses of aspirin to achieve this. Some of that is also from the lowering of 5HTP and raising dopamine.

Sooo… Some things I would try:

Agmatine or adamantane (closely related)
L theanine in higher doses
Taurine 2-5g
Aspirin with carbs
Consuming enough carbs and not overdoing it on caffiene