This journey has been a long one with many many different experiments over the last 6 years. Many different approaches have worked in enhancing libido and sexual funciton - but when it comes to blood work - this approach I’m about to share seemed to make the BIGGEST impact.
Naval application of Pregnenolone/Dhea (4mg), K2 (2mg EOD), Androsterone (1-2mg)
Moderate-High protein diet (at least 1g per lb bodyweight) coming from beef and organ meets primarily
High carbs with weight training occuring 4-5x a week and LOTS of walking or Low intensity cardio
Using caffiene, fat soluble vitamins, and B vitamins to enhance glucose uptake, dopamine synthesis, and estrogen metabolism high
Magnesium and taurine for sleep (first time in my life getting 8-10 hours of sleep ever)
Of course basics like no screens before bed, consistent sleep schedule, NO DRINKING, and lots of sex were also big parts to this
fat soulable vitamins → supplement or foods? dosage.
Do you check vitamin D3 levels in blood?
How many cardio per week do you do ( form, minutes, zone )
How many liver do you eat per week and type of live ( beef/chicken etc)
Do you think Pregnenolone/Dhea,K2,Androsterone give u the best results?
How many do you weight and how many carbs do you eat per day and sources of carbs.
How many fats do you eat and sources .
Fat soluble vitamins were only used sporadically whenever estrogen seemed to be elevated too much. It was also topical and was pretty small dosages.
Vitamin D I never supplemented with thay much as my levels always seemed pretty good - especially during the summer when I was working on maxing out my test.
Id say that raising dopamine, increasing carbs, and the low dose of those hormones gave the biggest punch in my test levels.
Thats great man! Some people experience a decrease in Free testosterone and DHT following Low carb due to an increase in SHBG and lower insulin levels leading to less conversion of T → DHT. Cortisol can be hard to manage without sufficeint carbs for many. Glad that you are finding success with it!
Hey man, great thread!
I’m curious to see how you get your 250 - 350 gr of carbs.
Could you give an example of meals for a high carb day?
Thanks in advance !
I’ve been low-carb for a long time now increasing them progressively
Totally! My advice is to titrate up slowly and to use supps that help aid in glucose metablism/oxidation. Being in a state of low carb can sometimes make to transition from lipolysis to oxidation a little difficult at first.
My approach was: Consuming majority of carbs after training for insulin independent glucose uptake, and consuming most of it at night before bed to help with sleep. Starting around 150g in total each day and moving up from there.
GDAS can be used as well as things like B1, B3, aspirin that all help lower excessive lipolysis and raise NADPH for better oxidative metabolism.
I personally ate primarily rice, quinoa, and potatoes with occassional lentils as these seemed the least gut irritating for me personally. Others may not do well with such high GI foods at first but I was very active and was good with it.